Despite substantial progress toward pay equity, women in 2022 still earn 17% less than men on average.
We are seeking to change the existing narrative, starting with the next generation of female leaders.
By providing education, mentorship, and experiential learning opportunities, the Foundation helps build young women's confidence to be future world leaders.
Investment in Women and Girls Education and Leadership
Hearing from successful women on their leadership journey served as our roadmap to developing the program. We needed to know what was most helpful to women in their journey to success.
We became well-versed in a few competencies: communication, self-discovery, self-efficacy, interpersonal savviness, negotiation, conflict resolution, peer relationships, dealing with paradox, business acumen, and community service.
Health & Wellness
Sickle Cell Awareness, Education and Resources
Sickle Cell is an issue close to our hearts and will always be a part of our legacy work. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that damages red blood cells, affecting 1 out of every 365 African Americans. Health is wealth, which is one of the reasons the Foundation believes in providing education and awareness to women regarding the disease. The Foundation also actively seeks alternative treatments and a cure to provide hope for our next generation of women leaders.
Mental Health
The Foundation also focuses on mental health issues and public health awareness, two of the most critical factors for young women's futures. Working with the Department of Health, Swedish and other organizations, the Foundation brings education and awareness to these issues.
Community Advocacy & Engagement
Giving back to the community is a quintessential element of the KD Hall Foundation. In our years of service, we have seen women and girls become uniquely adept at lifting as they climb. We are dedicated to preparing young women for careers and college readiness with our College Ambassador and Women on the Rise Programs. These programs help build young women’s confidence to transform into bold, impactful future leaders.